Ask me Why ...
I was a good-enough student in high school--I had a 3.0 something. If I knew exactly what it was I would share -- but I really only know it was over a 3.0 because I was a card holding member of the 3.0 Club and was given a free small french fry at Wendy's for lunch! Frankly, I didn't even know that the 3.0 Club correlated to my grades until I asked what the 3.0 Club actually meant. I keenly remember my embarrassment that I didn't know that the 3.0 meant my grade point was over a 3.0--I was too humiliated to then ask what did "grade point" mean, and how I could find out what mine was. Because obviously, I should have known this already. I had to take Trig over my senior year in high school because I got a "D" junior year. If I'm honest, I never did the homework. Like ever. The problem was--I never understood from the first day and I never asked for help. I could never catch up. I looked lazy, I looked like I had no motivation. Really? I was emba...